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In this Privacy Policy:

a. “Veritas” means Veritas Original Art (ABN 71 635 755 007); and

b.” We” and “us” refer to Veritas Original Art and “our” has a similar meaning.

c. We are subject to the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).




This is the Privacy Policy of Veritas Original Art (ABN 71 635 755 007). This Privacy Policy sets out Veritas Original Art's obligations in line with the Australian Privacy Principles (‘APP’) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’). We have adopted the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). The APPs govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information. A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at


Where the terms ‘information’ or ‘personal information’ are used in this policy this is a reference to both ‘personal information’ as defined in the Privacy Act. This Privacy Policy sets out the different types of information we collect, why we collect it and what you can do if you would like to remove yourself from our mailing list or change any details, we may hold about you. If you need to contact us to discuss this policy, our contact details can be found under the Change in Privacy Policy section of this Privacy Policy.


This Personal Information is obtained in many ways including online forms, face to face consultations, correspondence by email, telephone, online communication mediums, our website, and from third parties. We don’t guarantee website links or policy of authorised third parties.


We collect your Personal Information for the primary purpose of providing our services to you and when you chose to transact with us. We may also use your Personal Information for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure. When we collect Personal Information we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it.


  1. If you sign up as a member: we will collect your basic contact information but you will not not be put on the mailing lists of any third parties.

  2. If you do not sign up as a member: we may collect general site traffic data which may be collected for the purpose of site maintenance and improvement and provides information about which and how often certain pages are viewed. This helps us to understand what sorts of products our customers are interested in and alerts us to any areas of the site that may be difficult to navigate. 

  3. When you place an order: we collect your basic contact information. This information must be provided to allow us to effect delivery of the products that you order, and to contact you if necessary. These details are retained in our database for record keeping purposes. We or our service providers may contact you by email to see if there were any problems and if we can help you to complete your transaction.

  4. If you elect to pay online using your credit card: your credit card details are not stored by us, they are encrypted and passed directly to the financial institution for the purpose of payment. Any other information you provide at the checkout, such as comments or survey responses is stored by us and is used to better plan future items to add and developments for the website.

  5. Enquiries: when you make an enquiry of us online or by phone, we may collect your name and contact details in order to respond to your enquiry.




Veritas Original Art will use and disclose personal information for the primary purpose for which it was collected, which can include third parties where necessary information is required by such providers of products or services you have purchased, or where authorised by law. We may also use and disclose personal information for purposes related or ancillary to the main reasons we collect it, such as invoicing, reminder notices, provision of information, to improve our products or services and communications and in respect of other services offered by us.


We may from time to time need to disclose certain information, which may include your Personal Information or communications, to comply with a legal requirement, in order to: (a) comply with the law or respond to lawful requests or legal process; (b) protect the rights or property of Veritas Original Art or our customers, including the enforcement of our agreements or policies governing your use of the services; or (c) act on a good faith belief that such access or disclosure is necessary to protect the personal safety of Veritas Original Art’s employees, customers or the public.


If you do not provide the information requested, we may not be able either to provide you with appropriate product or service or to fulfil another applicable purpose of collection such as transacting with us.




We have a responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of our customers’ affairs, including personal information. Our duty of confidentiality applies except where disclosure of a customer’s personal information is; with that customer’s consent; compelled by law; or for the sole purpose of avoiding the probable commission or concealment of a felony.




Where reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your Personal Information only from you. However, in some circumstances we may be provided with information by third parties. In such a case we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.


Veritas Original Art will never disclose your Personal Information to a third party except the necessary information required by providers of products or services you have purchased, or to protect the rights, property or safety of Veritas Original Art, its customers, third parties, or if required by law.


Our website may contain links to other websites, which are meant for your convenience only and do not constitute sponsorship or endorsement or approval of these websites. Please be aware that Veritas Original Art is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites and therefore encourage our users to read the Privacy Policy of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This Policy applies solely to Veritas Original Art.




Upon request, you may access the Personal Information we hold about you and to update and/or correct it, subject to certain exceptions. If you wish to access your Personal Information, please contact us in writing.


Upon request, we will provide you with access to the personal information we hold about you unless there is an exception which applies under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.). This can include if we have a legal duty of confidentiality or non-disclosure in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.


All requests for obtaining access will be actioned in a reasonable timeframe, and should a request for access to information be refused, we will provide you with reasons for the refusal and inform you of any exceptions relied upon under the Privacy Act 1988.  In order to protect your Personal Information, we may require identification from you before releasing the requested information.




If any of the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date, please contact us immediately and we will take reasonable steps to correct this information or we will discuss an alternative action with you if required.




If you provide personal information to us about someone else (i.e. Directors or Employees or someone with whom you have dealings) you must ensure that you are entitled to disclose that information to us and that, without us taking any further steps required by privacy laws, we may collect, use and disclose such information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. You should take reasonable steps to ensure the individual concerned is aware of the various matters detailed in this Policy as those matters relate to that individual, including our identity, how to contact us, our purposes of collection, our information disclosure practices, the individual’s right to obtain access to the information and the consequences for the individual if the information is not provided.




Veritas Original Art will always do the upmost to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of Personal Information submitted to us. We protect any personal information that we hold from misuse and loss and also protect it from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.


Your personal information may be stored in hard copy documents or as electronic data in our information technology systems. We maintain physical security over our paper and electronic data stores and premises, and we train our employees about the importance of confidentiality and maintaining the privacy and security of your information. Access to your personal information is restricted to our employees only and stored securely in our salon system for the purpose of providing benefits or services to you.


We may use Personal Information collected from you for the purpose of providing you with direct marketing material, updates regarding our website and information in the form of a newsletter on the proviso you have registered or subscribed to such publications by registering your details with us. If you wish to cease receiving any such information you can unsubscribe online or via email at any time and your request will be actioned as soon as possible.




We may amend this Privacy Policy as required so that it remains current. This Policy is subject to change at any time, at our sole discretion, and any amendments or changes to this Policy will be immediately posted to this website. We therefore recommend reviewing the Policy on our website on a regular basis for any changes.


If you have any questions or concerns at any time about our Policy or the use of your Personal Information, please contact us at and we will endeavour to respond within 48 hours.




For further information about privacy issues and the protection of privacy, visit the Australian Information Commissioner’s web site at


LAST REVIEWED November 2019

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