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These terms and conditions govern the use of ("this website") and the purchase of any goods from it. Please read through our terms and conditions carefully when accessing our website and before placing your order.


Acknowledgement and Acceptance

By accessing, using or browsing this website, you agree that your access to, and use of, this site is subject to these terms and all applicable laws, and is at your own risk. We may amend or update these terms and conditions at any time by posting any changes at this website, without providing notice to you. These Website Terms of Use (including where applicable, our Privacy PolicyReturns and Exchanges, and our terms and conditions for the sale of Goods on this website) set out the entire agreement between you and Veritas Original Art and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, supersedes all prior terms, conditions, warranties and/or representations.


Intellectual Property and Copyright

Copyright in this website and its content is the property of Veritas Original Art. You may view this site and its contents using your web browser and electronically copy and print hard copies of parts of this site solely for personal, non-commercial use or purchasing products. Any other use, including any commercial use of the content of this site, is strictly prohibited. Permission will need to be sought if images or information are to be printed or copied for any other reason. This website also contains images of works of art that are protected under copyright legislation.



The information contained on this website is provided by Veritas Original Art in good faith. To the best of Veritas Original Art’s knowledge, the information is accurate and current. However, this site and its contents are provided to you on "as is" basis. The site may contain errors, faults and inaccuracies and may not be complete and current.

Veritas Original Art makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of this site or the information, content, materials or products included on this site, except as otherwise provided, and then only to the minimum extent required, under any applicable laws. Veritas Original Art reserves the right to change or withdraw products without notice and amend prices at any time. We cannot guarantee that our products will always be available on a continuous or uninterrupted basis. If an item is unavailable we will refund you immediately or find you a replacement.


Payment & Pricing

All prices and transactions are in Australian Dollars (AUD). Prices listed on our website are correct at time of publication, however, we reserve the right to alter the prices for any reason. If you are ordering from overseas your bank or card provider will determine the conversion rate and currency conversion fee. As such, Veritas Original Art does not take responsibility if the final amount charged to your card or account differs slightly from the amount shown on the order receipt.


Returns and Exchanges

Please choose your purchase carefully as all sales are final. No returns or exchanges on any product will be accepted unless faulty or the incorrect item is shipped to you.

Delivery Policy

You will receive an automatic confirmation of your order. We will endeavour to ship to you within three days of receipt of your order. However please allow up to ten days for delivery. Please contact us if you have any concerns regarding your order. 


Limitation of liability

Subject to any non-excludable liability implied by legislation, any liability of Veritas Original Art in connection with goods or services supplied to you will, at the election of Veritas Original Art, be limited to the replacement or repair of the goods, the supply of equivalent goods, the payment of the cost of replacing or repairing the goods or the payment of the cost of obtaining equivalent goods; The above remedies are in addition to, and not in place of, your rights at law that cannot be lawfully excluded. Subject to any non-excludable liability (including under consumer laws), Veritas Original Art will not be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, business interruption or the loss of data or information, or damages for product liability, personal injury or negligence resulting from use of goods or services supplied to you, or on behalf of you, through this website.


Unforeseen Events

You acknowledge that in the event of any failure on our part to deliver goods or services resulting from events beyond our control and that are not reasonably foreseeable, we are released from any liability or obligation to fulfil contractual agreements. These events could include war, conflict, natural disasters, fire or flood, strikes or lack of delivery from our suppliers.


Virus Warning

All care is taken to ensure that this website and data transmissions are free from viruses. However, Veritas Original Art cannot guarantee that any file or program available for download and/or execution from or via this site is free from viruses or other conditions which could damage or interfere with data, hardware or software with which it might be used. It is your responsibility to scan any such data for viruses. You assume all risk of use of all programs and files on this site, and you release Veritas Original Art entirely of all responsibility for any consequences of its use.


Applicable Law

These terms of use are governed by the laws in force in Australia and you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Australia and any Courts which may hear appeals from those Courts. This site may be accessed from Australia or overseas. Veritas Original Art makes no representations that the content of this site complies with the laws (including intellectual property laws) of any country outside Australia. If you access this site from outside Australia, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for complying with the laws in the place where you access the site.


Entire Agreement

The Agreement (being these Terms and Conditions and any other policies displayed on the Website) represents the entirety of the agreement between you and us, and supersedes any prior agreement of understanding between you and us, whether oral or in writing. Any indemnity, agreement, representation or promise provided by you to us, as set out in this Agreement, shall be taken to be an indemnity, agreement, representation or promise also provided by you to our employees, officers, agents and shareholders and any related entity of ours in relation to the Website.



We reserve the right to terminate this Agreement at any time. We shall not be liable to you for any cost, expense, or damages whatsoever for terminating this Agreement.



If any provision of this Agreement is determined by any Court to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, the provision is to be severed from the Agreement, such that the remaining provisions of this Agreement continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Veritas Original Art.

+61 (0) 427770018

PO Box 328 Yallingup WA 6282

ABN 71635755007

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